I could probably dedicate a whole separate blog to this matter. Seriously. But for now I'll just post one item of interest each time we visit. Despite the collection of cross-country skis (no one on our family skis, mind you) and old vacuum cleaners salvaged from people's trash, I'm pretty sure they are not *certifiable* hoarders. They do and can get rid of stuff, although they consistently seem to take in more than goes out. But my Dad is unarguably a collector.
So our first specimen is this shelf in the kitchen....filled with Avon collectible steins (in my Dad's defense, my step-granmother gives him one each year for Christmas) and fishing lures. Fishing lures can be found, literally, in every single room in the house, but this is particularly hefty clusterfuck of 'em. Be careful when you get up from the table because you could get hooked. I know, because it's happened to me.
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